Hi friends! I hope that everyone is enjoying this class and the spring 2018 semester so far! Communication is a tricky thing to manage in general and then once you take it to a social platform things can be misread and misunderstood. Things can get taken out of context and people can make assumptions are that are not always accurate. This only makes it that much more important that businesses work to establish clear communication. This can be done in many ways. I have had many positive and negative experiences with communicating with different companies. My biggest negative experience through communicating with a business was with a new start up company who had sent a defective product in the mail. Basically the product arrived at my doorstep broken. Allot of the miscommunication was because we were chatting via email and the majority of the conversation was automatized and done in a not so timely manner. By time I had reached an actual human being as opposed to dealing with an automa...