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Showing posts from January, 2018

Week 1B Blogs I commented on

After going through all of the blogs in my color block group, I ended up commenting on all the blogs who had written their first post about their chosen theme. I really enjoyed going through and reading why everyone chose the the themes that they did and seeing all of the different personalities come out. I have come to the conclusion that blogs are kind of like fingerprints, all are different and no two are the same. Each is unique to the individual.

Week 1A: My Template

Hi Friends! I hope you are enjoying your week and are as excited for this class as I am! This is my first attempt at using Blogger, or any blogging platform for that matter, so this is such a learning curve! But I am excited and hopeful that I can master Blogger by the end of the semester.     I chose a very simple theme as I like to customize everything. Customization makes things so much more personal and unique. It also provides the perfect opportunity to create something that represents yourself and your style. Initially I had chosen a travel blog theme with the intention of selecting a blog in less than 30 seconds, because who has time to individually go through every single theme and compare and contrast all of them? Not me! But then I discovered the customization button which allows for the changing of everything, and I mean everything, from the background image, to colors, and even the layout! I felt like I was at the Burger King of Blogging because I can have it my ...