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Week 1A: My Template

Hi Friends!
I hope you are enjoying your week and are as excited for this class as I am! This is my first attempt at using Blogger, or any blogging platform for that matter, so this is such a learning curve! But I am excited and hopeful that I can master Blogger by the end of the semester.
    I chose a very simple theme as I like to customize everything. Customization makes things so much more personal and unique. It also provides the perfect opportunity to create something that represents yourself and your style. Initially I had chosen a travel blog theme with the intention of selecting a blog in less than 30 seconds, because who has time to individually go through every single theme and compare and contrast all of them? Not me! But then I discovered the customization button which allows for the changing of everything, and I mean everything, from the background image, to colors, and even the layout! I felt like I was at the Burger King of Blogging because I can have it my way.
    While deciding on the ins and outs of the colors and fonts that I chose for my blog, I also kept in mind the brand and business that I plan to promote, as this is not only a personal representation of myself, but it is also my chance to represent dOterra essential oils which is the company that my mom works for. So I kept those colors in mind as I feel that there is something oddly satisfying about having everything flow and come together in a cohesive manner.
    Hope you all enjoyed my ramble and have a great rest of your week!
     -Best, Alexandra


  1. Hi Alexandra! I really enjoyed your ramble, I love how unique your profile is, makes me feel like i'm getting to know you through your blog. I also love how much you can customize on these, makes it that much more fun.

  2. Hello Alexandra I totally agree with your theory of the why you chose the template you chose.
    You customizing your theme seperates you and allows you to express yourself if te way you want, which inhink its cool because you never know what toe xoedt from different people
    Hope you have fun in this course

  3. Hi Alexandra, I agree who has the time to go thru all the themes. I like the route you took to customize as you go. Clean, simple is always a good approach to have the reader stay focused on the main points. Versus having to much detail can be over dramatic and distract the reader.


  4. Hi Alexandra. Reading your "ramble" was super interesting and fun. My younger sister was reading it with me and we both loved how you described it being similar to Burger King. The colors are very nice and soothing. It all looks very nice.

  5. Hi Alex if I may call you that :) I like how you think outside the box so to speak. Instead of following the norm you choose to develop your own style. Just reading through your ramble, I could tell you are outgoing and just an overall fun person. I like the Burger King catch phrase. I was literally laughing when I read that, because it reminds me of what I use to say whenever I yell at my soldiers back then, "You can't have it your way like Burger King Private"! Anyway, I too am very new to blogging so hopefully by the end of this class I will master this art and add it it to my repertoire.


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